News Medicine

E-Cigarettes Alter Mouth Bacteria

The use of e-cigarettes has been on the rise in recent years, with many smokers switching to them as a supposedly less harmful alternative to

 News Technology

Revolutionary Wind Energy Technology

Revolutionary Wind Turbines Could Change the Future of Wind Energy The acceptance of wind energy in Germany has faced significant challenges, particularly from those living

 News Medicine

Air pollution harms sperm mobility.

A recent study from China suggests that high exposure to fine particulate matter (PM) negatively affects sperm quality and male fertility. In the past few

 News Medicine

Seeking Volunteers for Inhaled Covid-19 Vaccine

German scientists have developed a Covid-19 vaccine that can be inhaled instead of injected. The vaccine is designed to deliver the active ingredient directly to

 News Medicine

Faster Bone Healing with mRNA Molecules

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the University of Maastricht and the Mayo Clinic have developed a new method for healing bone injuries using synthetic

 News Medicine

Ketamine aids alcohol addiction recovery.

A new study from the University of Exeter has found that ketamine infusions can help alcoholics during withdrawal. The study involved giving alcohol-dependent participants three

 News Medicine

Oral mRNA Vaccine Delivery

A small stomach capsule has been developed that could allow for the administration of mRNA vaccines without the need for injections. Scientists at the Massachusetts

 News Environment

Unprecedented Forest Die-Off in Germany

Offshore wind farms are becoming increasingly popular in Germany as the country aims to rely more on renewable energy sources. However, environmentalists and some scientists

 News Chemistry

Plastic particles fuel fat cells.

Plastic chemicals have been suspected of affecting weight, hormones, and metabolism. A recent study has confirmed that these chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors, do indeed

 News Medicine

Mental Speed Stays High at 60

A new study challenges the widely held belief that older people think slower than younger ones. While previous studies have shown that reaction times decrease