News Environment

Cruise ships pollute more than cars

Carnival Corporation’s cruise ships emit more toxic sulfur oxides than all 291 million cars in Europe combined, according to a study by Transport and Environment

 News Geology

36-Million-Year Cycle Shaped Life

A recent study by researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Sydney has discovered a 36-million-year cycle of plate tectonics that has led to

 News Technology

Ultimate Insult Found by Math Model

Mathematics student Sophie Maclean has used a mathematical model to determine the ultimate insult. Maclean, who is currently studying for her Master of Science in

 News Medicine

Resisting Chocolate and Temptations

The Brain Learns to Prefer Unhealthy Foods The typical Western diet is high in fat and sugar, and many people in industrialized countries prefer unhealthy

 News Technology

Efficient Solar Energy Storage in Rocks

A recent study has shown that solar energy can be efficiently stored in thermal energy storage systems (TES) based on rock, providing a more sustainable

 News Medicine

Germany’s Life Expectancy in Europe

Germany Ranks Lowest in Life Expectancy Among Western European Countries A recent study conducted by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and the Max

 News Medicine

AI predicts pancreatic cancer prognosis.

A new study by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the University of Copenhagen has found that an artificial intelligence (AI) system can predict the

 News Physics

Helion Energy to Launch Fusion Power Plant by 2028

Helion Energy, a start-up company, has announced its plans to achieve net energy production through nuclear fusion by 2024 and to operate a fusion power

 News Medicine

Robot prints live cells in body.

A new robotic system has been developed that can print living cells directly onto organs and tissues inside the patient’s body. Bioprinting, the process of

 News Economics

Nuclear Power Not Economically Viable

A recent study has shown that nuclear energy is not a viable alternative to fossil fuels for reducing CO2 emissions from an economic perspective. Germany