News Medicine

FFP2 Masks Don’t Reduce Mental Performance

A recent study conducted by researchers at the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin has found that FFP2 masks do not affect mental performance

 News Technology

Ultra-thin battery for foldable devices

A new technology has been developed by Homei Miyashita from Meiji University in Japan, called “Taste the TV”. This system consists of a conventional LCD

 News Technology

Hydrogen plane to circle Earth

The FlyZero project has unveiled a concept for a hydrogen-powered aircraft that could transport nearly 300 people from London to San Francisco without local emissions.

 News Medicine

Can Hair Protein Fight Covid-19?

A breakthrough discovery has been made by a team of scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who have found that a component of the immune

 News Medicine

Reduced Dementia Risk After Cataract Surgery

A recent study conducted by the University of Washington has found that seniors who undergo cataract surgery to restore their vision have a significantly reduced

 News Medicine

Delta Variant Transmitted Equally by Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

A recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) has found that the transmission

 News Medicine

New muscles found in human jaw

A previously unknown layer of muscle has been discovered in the masseter muscle, which contributes to the stabilization of the jaw. The human anatomy is

 News Medicine

FFP2 Masks Proven Highly Protective

A new study from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization has found that FFP2 and KN95 masks can reduce the risk of infection

 News Medicine

Double Heart Attack Risk from Cannabis

Cannabis Use Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Attack A recent study conducted by the University of Toronto has found that cannabis use significantly increases

 News Medicine

New Antibacterial Molecule Group Discovered

A breakthrough discovery by scientists at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the University of Bonn could lead to the development of new antibiotics to