News Medicine

Global Tobacco Consumption Declines

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), global tobacco consumption has decreased, but still, seven million people die each year due to smoking-related illnesses, including

 News Psychology

Right-wing extremism threatens Germany most.

The political center in Germany sees right-wing extremism as the biggest threat, even more so than climate change, the Covid-19 pandemic, and social division. The

 News Technology

5-Minute Charging for Electric Cars

A new charging cable with a cooling liquid that vaporizes can charge electric cars in just five minutes. The long charging time compared to refueling

 News Medicine

Cannabis: Aggression, Anxiety, and Stress

A recent study conducted by the Icahn School of Medicine and the City University of New York has found that consuming cannabis during pregnancy can

 News Technology

Eco-Friendly Battery Made from Recycled Materials

Rolls-Royce’s Spirit of Innovation has broken three world records for electric planes, paving the way for the development of electric passenger planes. The electric aircraft

 News Technology

Robot recycles electric car batteries.

A new robot has been developed by scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany to automatically remove valuable raw materials from electric car batteries that

 News Biology

River Hippos in Ancient Germany

During the last Ice Age, hippos lived in the Upper Rhine Valley between Frankfurt and Basel. Today, these warm-loving animals are only found in Africa.

 News Medicine

90% Vaccination Rate for Herd Immunity

The effectiveness of all vaccines against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 is significantly lower, making a vaccination rate of 90 percent necessary to achieve herd

 News Economics

Tax Burden in Germany Decreases

According to a recent study by the ifo Institute, the tax burden on private households in Germany has significantly decreased since 1986. The study compared

 News Environment

CO2 Price Key to German Climate Neutrality

A CO2 price for the use of fossil fuels is the most economically viable option for Germany to become climate neutral by 2045, according to