News Medicine

Antidote prevents antibiotic side effects.

Antibiotics are known to attack not only harmful bacteria but also the beneficial ones in the gut, causing long-term changes in the gut microbiome of

 News Economics

German Wealth Reaches Record High

The private wealth of Germans has reached a new record high of 7.325 billion euros in the second quarter of 2021, with the main driver

 News Medicine

COVID-19 only slightly lowers life expectancy in Germany

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on life expectancy in many developed nations. However, in Germany, the decrease in life expectancy has been

 News Economics

High Percentage of Right-Wing Voters in AfD

A new study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung has found that almost eight percent of eligible voters in Germany hold a right-wing extremist position. The study

 News Environment

85% of World Population Affected by Climate Change

A new study conducted by the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) has found that at least 85% of the world’s

 News Psychology

Unhealthy Living = Risky Driving

A recent study conducted by Tönis Tokko at the University of Tartu has found a correlation between unhealthy lifestyle habits and risky behavior on the

 News Archeology

Ancient Roman shipwreck found near Sicily.

In a recent discovery, employees of the environmental protection agency ARPA have found the remains of a Roman shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea. Underwater archaeology

 News Medicine

Plants produce COVID-19 antibodies

In a breakthrough discovery, scientists at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna have found a way to produce monoclonal antibodies (mAk)

 News Geology

Earth Reflects Less Sunlight

The Earth’s reflection of sunlight, known as the Da-Vinci-Glow, has decreased due to climate change. This means that the Earth is now darker, reflecting less

 News Psychology

Happiness Peaks in Early 30s

According to a recent retrospective longitudinal study, people are happiest on average between the ages of 30 and 34. Surprisingly, childhood is not considered the