News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology

 News Biology

Megalodon: Bigger Than We Thought?

The Megalodon, a prehistoric shark that terrorized the world’s oceans around 10 million years ago, has long been a subject of fascination for scientists and

 News Environment

Ancient Permafrost Found in Siberia

In the remote region of northeastern Russia lies the Republic of Sakha, also known as Yakutia, which is famous for its extreme cold temperatures. The

 News Chemistry

New Method Removes Hormones from Drinking Water

A new method has been developed that can remove up to 98% of micro-pollutants from drinking water. Traditional water purification and treatment technologies are unable

 News Biology

New Bird Species Found in New Guinea

In the outer southwest of Papua New Guinea, an international research team has discovered a new bird species, Melanocharis citreola, in the Kumawa Mountains. The

 News Medicine

Legionella risk rises during lockdown

The lockdown has led to optimal conditions for the growth of Legionella bacteria in many facilities, which could result in a significant increase in Legionnaires’

 News Biology

New Giant Dinosaur Found in Australia

Australotitan cooperensis, the largest dinosaur ever found in Australia, has been discovered after 15 years of excavation. The dinosaur was estimated to be as long

 News Technology

Global Research Focuses on Robotics and AI

The field of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the energy sector and material sciences, have seen the most studies in the last

 News Biology

New Giant Squirrel Species Discovered

The elusive rock flying squirrel, a mammal that can grow up to a meter long and weigh two and a half kilos, has been found

 News Environment

Maple Tree Gift Found in German Cow Milk

A deadly toxin, Hypoglycin A, has been found in some milk samples from Northern Germany. The toxin is known to be present in high concentrations