News Psychology

Alcohol can’t chase away negative feelings.

Alcohol is often used by many people to suppress negative emotions. However, according to a study, the drug actually intensifies depressive feelings. Researchers at the

 News Technology

Nano Chip for DNA Storage

Microsoft Research has taken another step towards creating a DNA storage device the size of a small refrigerator that could potentially meet the entire storage

 News Medicine

Zinc Supplements Combat Viral Colds

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Western Sydney University has found that zinc can significantly reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms associated

 News Environment

Massive marine protected area established

The transport sector in Germany has failed to reduce its CO2 emissions since 1990, making it the only industry to do so. To combat this,

 News Biology

German fossils reveal domesticated dogs

New evidence suggests that the domestication of dogs may have occurred in the southwest region of Germany, specifically in Baden-Württemberg. Fossils found in the Gnirshöhle

 News Environment

Climate change shifts seasons in Northern Hemisphere

The summer season in Germany could last up to 166 days by the year 2100 if the anthropogenic climate change continues at its current pace.

 News Geology

Rare Earth Deposit Found Outside China

A new discovery in South Africa could potentially end China’s monopoly on the world market for rare earth elements. These elements, such as Terbium, Neodymium,

 News Psychology

Quit smoking boosts mental health.

Smoking cessation for just six weeks has been proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and other physical problems. According to a meta-study conducted by the University

 News Medicine

Mushroom drug fights aggressive prostate cancer.

A new study has found that a common antifungal medication, Terbinafin, may be effective in treating aggressive prostate cancer. Researchers at the University Hospital of

 News Medicine

Hydrogel bandage seals gut wounds

A new hydrogel has been developed that can effectively close intestinal wounds, preventing the leakage of bacteria-rich contents into the abdominal cavity. Intestinal wounds are