News Medicine

Germany’s Fall Covid-19 Restrictions?

A new model calculation from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) suggests that Germany will need to implement renewed contact restrictions this fall to combat the

 News Environment

Kenya’s Wildlife Populations on the Rise

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has released updated population figures for various mammal and bird species, indicating a recovery of most wildlife populations. The majority of

 News Technology

Two-legged ostrich robot delivers packages.

A groundbreaking achievement has been made in the development of the “ostrich robot” Cassie. This type of autonomous robot could potentially be used for package

 News Biology

Glowing deep-sea sharks found near New Zealand

Off the coast of New Zealand, scientists have discovered three species of glowing sharks, the first known sharks to exhibit bioluminescence. The physical properties of

 News Biology

Oldest Primate Fossils Unearthed

Newly discovered fossils reveal that the ancestors of humans lived on Earth at the same time as the last dinosaurs. The first forms of mammals

 News Archeology

Wine Production in Sicily under Islamic Rule

Archaeologists from the University of York have discovered that wine production and trade in Sicily were not only allowed but even expanded under Islamic rule.

 News Environment

Only 3% of Land Ecosystems Intact

A new study has revealed that 97% of land ecosystems have been destroyed, leaving only 3% of intact ecosystems remaining. The Serengeti Savanna in Tanzania

 News Archeology

New excavation reveals 119 skulls.

A recent excavation in Tenochtitlan, Mexico has revealed 119 additional skulls at the Huei Tzompantli. These skulls belonged to enemies of the Aztecs and were

 News Technology

Router turned alarm by Projekt Wachmann

The Wachmann project is transforming WLAN routers into alarm systems that can detect burglars based on their MAC addresses. In Germany, there are over 100,000

 News Chemistry

Geothermal Water in Germany Yields Lithium

The extraction of lithium has been known to cause significant environmental damage. However, a new pilot project is exploring the possibility of economically extracting the