News Medicine

Hobbies boost senior mental health.

Seniors who engage in hobbies have a higher level of life satisfaction, are less likely to experience depressive symptoms, and feel healthier. While it has

 News Archeology

Stone Age People Ate the Dead

In the Neolithic period, endocannibalism was widespread in Europe. Members of the Magdalenian culture would eat their dead instead of burying them. This practice was

 News Economics

German Dependence on Cars

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Demoscopy Allensbach on behalf of the Association of the German Automotive Industry (VDA) has examined the importance

 News Economics

Renting Accelerates Aging Process

The conditions of one’s living space have a significant impact on the aging process, with people living in rental apartments aging faster than those in

 News Geology

Hot Supercontinent Unsuitable for Mammals

Physicists have achieved a breakthrough in magnetic field shielding, creating an “antimagnet” that can hide the flow of magnetic field lines. The Spanish and Slovakian

 News Physics

Self-healing synthetic diamond

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Psychology

Past Depression Affects Worldview

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in Germany and many other countries. Although psychology has made significant strides in treating depression, the

 News Psychology

Why do people cheat?

A third of people in relationships in Germany have been unfaithful, according to a recent study. Elite Partner conducted a survey of around 5,600 participants,

 News Psychology

Personality Type Affects Vaccine Willingness

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas has found that a person’s personality type can significantly influence their willingness to get

 News Technology

Chatbots’ Limits Exposed by Nonsense

In the digital age, researchers are developing AI chatbots to enable human-like conversations. However, a new study by a research team at Columbia University has