News Technology

Chemical-free mosquito protection with graphene clothing

A new study published in the journal PNAS reveals that a thin layer of graphene in textiles can protect against mosquito bites, replacing the need

 News Psychology

Optimism Increases Lifespan: Study

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Technology

Lenovo unveils world’s first foldable laptop

Lenovo has unveiled the world’s first notebook with a foldable display, the Thinkpad X1 Foldable. The device is designed for productive work and is set

 News Biology

Chimpanzee Working Memory Equals Children’s

The memory capacity of chimpanzees and children is almost identical, according to a recent study by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

 News Technology

World’s Largest Electric Vehicle Unplugged

The world’s largest electric vehicle on wheels is the new eDumper, a dump truck that doesn’t need to be charged from the power grid due

 News Medicine

Harmful Effects of Nicotine-Free E-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes, often touted as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, have been found to damage blood vessel endothelial cells even in liquids without nicotine. According

 News Economics

Climate Change to Reduce Income in Germany

The impact of climate change on the global economy is becoming increasingly clear. A new study from the University of Cambridge has found that an

 News Chemistry

Solar Energy Converts CO2 to Food

A groundbreaking new protein powder called Solein has been developed by Finnish startup Solar Foods Ltd. Unlike traditional agriculture, Solein is created through a fermentation

 News Environment

Melting glaciers trap more CO2

Glaciers have been found to play a significant role in slowing down climate change by binding large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.

 News Medicine

Successful Chlamydia Vaccine Test

Scientists have successfully tested a vaccine against Chlamydia, the most common sexually transmitted disease, in a clinical trial involving 35 women. Chlamydia is often left