News Medicine

Night Shifts Linked to Cancer: WHO

Night work has long been known to be detrimental to health, with links to obesity and diabetes. Now, a new metastudy has classified night work

 News Environment

Climate change deniers get more press

A new study published in the journal Nature Communications has found that climate change deniers receive more media attention than renowned experts, despite the overwhelming

 News Environment

Tropical Climate Causes CO2 Emissions

Tropical regions have been found to emit more CO2 than they absorb through photosynthesis, according to a study by the University of Edinburgh. The cause

 News Psychology

Headscarf-wearing women receive less help in Germany.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has found that women wearing headscarves in Germany receive less help from strangers in

 News Medicine

Track Health with Camera App

A new method of measuring blood pressure, pulse, and stress levels using smartphone videos has been developed by scientists at the University of Toronto. The

 News Medicine

Father’s Alcohol Consumption and Baby’s Heart Defects

A recent metastudy analyzing data from over 300,000 people has found that regular alcohol consumption by fathers before conception increases the risk of heart defects

 News Medicine

No Need for Postoperative Prostate Cancer Radiation

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, accounting for a quarter of all cases. In Germany alone, there were approximately 60,000 new cases

 News Medicine

Sodas shorten life expectancy: WHO

A new study by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has found that consuming half

 News Chemistry

Million Times Thinner Gold Plate

Scientists at the University of Leeds have developed a new two-layered gold material that accelerates chemical processes ten times faster than currently used nanoparticles. The

 News Chemistry

Bio-Kerosene from Plant Waste

Chinese scientists have developed a new method of synthesizing bio-kerosene from cellulose, which has a higher energy density than conventional petroleum-based kerosene. However, the production