News Environment

Veggie Sausage Paradox: More Animal Deaths

The rise of vegetarianism has led to an increase in the consumption of meat substitutes, with many consumers citing animal welfare as their main reason

 News Technology

New AI method stops burglars.

A new software developed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) could help police catch burglars in the act. In Germany, only

 News Chemistry

Sunlight, Water, CO2 = Kerosene

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists from the SUN-to-LIQUID project have successfully operated a demonstration plant that produces kerosene from air using solar energy. The process

 News Biology

Solarium for Chickens Boosts Egg Vitamin-D

In a bid to increase the Vitamin-D content in food, researchers at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have found that chickens exposed to UV lamps for six

 News Medicine

Natural Metabolic Limitations in Humans

The human body has a limit to its endurance, and scientists have been studying what factors set these limits. A recent study published in Science

 News Environment

Germany’s Plastic Recycling Rate: 16%

Plastic waste is a growing problem worldwide, and Germany is no exception. According to a recent study by the Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland

 News Geology

Geothermal drilling causes earthquake

A devastating earthquake that struck the South Korean port city of Pohang on November 15, 2015, was caused by geothermal drilling, according to a joint

 News Physics

Graphene-based Quantum Computing Concept

Scientists at the University of Vienna have presented a concept for a quantum computer based on the wonder material graphene. The concept utilizes a special

 News Technology

Harvesting Drinking Water from Atmosphere

A new method of extracting drinking water from the atmosphere has been proposed by Israeli scientists. This method not only offers a genuine alternative to

 News Medicine

Effective Radiofrequency Therapy for Herniated Discs

A new Italian study has found that radiofrequency therapy can effectively and sustainably relieve pain caused by herniated discs. In Germany alone, around 180,000 people