News Technology

Ion-Powered Plane Takes Flight

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at MIT have successfully flown an aircraft without the use of traditional propellers, turbines, or jets. Instead, the aircraft was

 News Medicine

Low Testosterone Causes Male Depression

A lack of the male hormone testosterone can lead to a loss of drive, persistent fatigue, a loss of libido, and severe depression. Researchers at

 News Psychology

Marriage’s Impact on Men’s Weight

Marriage and fatherhood can lead to weight gain in men, according to a study by Joanna Syrda of the University of Bath. The study, which

 News Physics

The Kilogram is Now Tied to a Natural Constant

Physicists from around the world have made a groundbreaking discovery at the Japanese particle accelerator, J-Parc. They have created a new and surprisingly stable form

 News Technology

Tattoo Preview App

A new smartphone app is revolutionizing the tattoo industry by allowing users to preview their desired tattoo on their own body. Inkhunter, the app in

 News Environment

Strange Blob Returns to Alaska

A giant warm water blob is once again spreading across the North Pacific, causing concern among experts about potential mass die-offs and extreme weather. According

 News Technology

China uses artificial news anchors

In a groundbreaking achievement, researchers at MIT have successfully flown an aircraft without the use of traditional propellers, turbines, or jets. Instead, the aircraft was

 News Biology

Labrador Retriever’s Coat Affects Lifespan

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world, known for their friendly and loyal nature. However, researchers from the University

 News Technology

Mind-Reading Headset Developed

Researchers at MIT have developed a headset that can be controlled by thoughts. The device, called AlterEgo, uses electric signals in facial muscles to interpret

 News Physics

Powerful Osmosis Power Plants

Chinese scientists have developed a new type of membrane that significantly increases the power output of osmotic power plants. Osmotic power plants generate electricity by