News Medicine

3 Brain Anomalies Found in CFS Patients

American scientists have made a breakthrough in the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a condition that affects an estimated 15 million people worldwide. Until

 News Medicine

Cancer drug destroys lung cancer

Researchers in the United States are currently conducting studies on the experimental cancer drug OTS964 and its ideal method of administration. They have achieved impressive

 News Technology

New record for coldest temperature

In a groundbreaking achievement, an international team of scientists has successfully cooled a 400-kilogram copper block to a temperature close to the absolute zero point

 News Technology

255 Terabits per Second Fiber Optic Cable

In a groundbreaking achievement, Dutch and American researchers have successfully increased data transmission in fiber optic cables by 21 times. This means that it is

 News Technology

NASA Supplier Gains Insights from Special Spacesuit

Alan Eustace has set a new world record by jumping from a height of 40,424 meters, which marks the transition between the stratosphere and space.

 News Psychology

Birth Season Affects Personality

Hungarian scientists have conducted a study on the influence of birth season on personality traits. While astrology has long held that birth date is an

 News Technology

Simple Hologram Created with Laser

In a groundbreaking development, a Japanese company has created a new laser technology that can project seemingly floating objects in the air. Unlike traditional laser

 News Technology

Nano-lamps replace LED technology.

The era of traditional light bulbs is already a thing of the past. The filament-based lighting system no longer meets energy efficiency requirements and has

 News Medicine

Reviving Paralysis with Nerve Transplantation

In a groundbreaking medical breakthrough, doctors in Poland have successfully transplanted nerve cells from a patient’s nose into his spinal cord, allowing him to walk

 News Medicine

Nearly Normal Brain Activity in Comatose Patients

Neuroscientists have made a breakthrough in the communication understanding of coma patients by using EEG brain scans to locate hidden brain activities. The tests show