News Environment

Building Solar Power Plants in Desert

The European Union is set to receive environmentally friendly electricity from solar power plants in the northern African deserts. Test power plants in Algeria, Morocco,

 News Biology

Mystery Whale Washes Up in New Zealand

For over 100 years, international researchers have been searching for the elusive beaked whale, of which only a few bone fragments and a sketch existed.

 News Medicine

C-Section Harms Brain Development

A new study has found that cesarean sections can cause developmental issues in the brains of mice. Researchers discovered that mice born via C-section produced

 News Medicine

Pesticides Linked to Parkinson’s Disease

Toxic pesticides used on fruits and vegetables can trigger Parkinson’s disease, according to researchers at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital in Germany. The team

 News Medicine

Gender Differences in Color Perception

A new study conducted by the City University of New York has found that men and women perceive details and colors differently. The research team,

 News Psychology

Clear Vision Helps Quit Smoking

Smokers who make long-term decisions and calculate them well find it easier to quit smoking, according to two British scientists from Newcastle University. The researchers

 News Environment

Climate change reduces cloud formation.

New calculations have revealed that an increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere leads to a decrease in cloud formation. This discovery by a

 News Technology

Bio-Hybrid Robot: Researchers at Work

Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in robotics by enabling living cells to communicate with electronic components. This development brings researchers one step closer to

 News Environment

Antarctica was once a rainforest

Millions of years ago, the Antarctic was a lush rainforest, according to researchers who analyzed sediment samples from an Antarctic drill core. The samples, taken

 News Environment

Solar-powered trash bin saves environment.

In a bid to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability, the American company BigBelly Solar has developed solar-powered trash cans. These high-tech trash cans