News Medicine

Low-Carb Diet Increases Mortality Risk

A recent study published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has found that a low-carbohydrate diet can significantly increase mortality rates in the long term.

 News Medicine

Three-Person Baby Born in UK

In a groundbreaking development, the first babies with the genetic material of three people have been born in the UK. The conception was achieved through

 News Medicine

First Brain Surgery on Baby in Womb

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, doctors at Boston Children’s Hospital have successfully operated on a fetus with a life-threatening condition called Vena-Galeni-Malformation (VOGM). This condition

 News Medicine

Painless Administration of Vaccines and Medications with Gas

A team of researchers at the University of Texas has developed a new method of administering vaccines and medications without the use of needles. The

 News Medicine

Vegetarian Kids at Risk for Underweight

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto has found that children who follow a vegetarian diet have similar growth and nutrient

 News Medicine

Toxicity of Menthol E-Cigarettes

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh has found that e-cigarette liquids containing menthol release more toxic micro-particles that can impair

 News Medicine

Cannabis Eases Cancer Pain

Medical Cannabis Helps Reduce Cancer Pain and Medication Intake A recent study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has found that medical

 News Medicine

Neuralink to Test Brain Chips on Humans

Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk, has received approval for a clinical trial of its Brain-Control Interface (BCI) with humans. The implant aims to

 News Medicine

Broccoli protects gut lining & prevents diseases.

Broccoli is known to have a positive impact on human health, with studies showing that increased consumption of this vegetable can reduce the risk of

 News Medicine

Harmful Nanoparticles in Food Colors

A recent study conducted by researchers from Cornell University and Binghamton University has revealed that metal oxide nanoparticles, commonly used in food coloring, may negatively