News Economics

Train travel pricier than flying

Greenpeace is calling for the introduction of a kerosene tax in Europe, including Germany, due to the distorted prices of train travel compared to flying.

 News Environment

Mount Everest’s Snow Height Measured

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully modified E. coli bacteria to produce a type of bioplastic that can

 News Geology

50-Year-Old Geothermal Technology Works

In a breakthrough for geothermal energy, start-up Fervo Energy has developed an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) that can be used in areas where traditional geothermal

 News Physics

Experimental Proof of Self-Healing Metals

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found that metals possess self-healing properties that can repair small cracks without human intervention. This discovery could lead to

 News Biology

Bacteria produce Omega-3 without fish

Innovative Start-Up Finds Sustainable Way to Produce Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are widely consumed by people to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure,

 News Archeology

Decoding Mysterious Ancient Script

The Kusana Empire was one of the most influential empires of ancient times, spanning across Central Asia and North India. Recently, researchers have deciphered their

 News Economics

German Doubt All Political Parties

A recent survey conducted by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) found that despite the numerous crises faced by Germany, including Covid-19, the Ukraine conflict, and high inflation,

 News Astronomy

First Earth Meteorite Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists from the French research center CNRS have presented the first meteorite that originated from Earth. The 646-gram meteorite, named NWA

 News Astronomy

White Dwarf Star with Two ‘Faces’ Discovered

In a recent discovery, astronomers have found a unique white dwarf star named Janus that blinks every 15 minutes due to having one hemisphere made

 News Astronomy

Cooler than a lighter flame

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Sydney have found the coolest known star in the universe. The newly discovered brown dwarf star,