News Biology

Atomic-level decoding of cell death mechanism

Millions of cells die in the human body every day, and researchers have now decoded the cell death mechanism that occurs at the atomic level.

 News Biology

Real Chimeras Discovered by Researchers

Male Yellow Crazy Ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes) have been discovered to be true chimeras, defying the basic laws of biological inheritance. Chimera, a mythical creature from

 News Biology

The Importance of Earthworms in Agriculture

Regenwürmer Boost Global Food Production, Study Finds Regenwürmer, also known as earthworms, are known to improve soil quality and plant productivity. However, a recent study

 News Biology

Oldest African burial site discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, the oldest burial site in the history of hominins has been found in Africa. The discovery challenges previous assumptions about human

 News Psychology

Do Opposites Really Attract in Relationships?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has challenged the old adage that “opposites attract.” The study aimed to investigate

 News Astronomy

Satellite Receives Power from Earth

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have successfully transmitted electricity from Earth to a satellite in space, demonstrating the

 News Astronomy

Possible title: Human may have destroyed life on Mars

NASA’s Viking 1 and Viking 2 spacecraft may have discovered signs of life on Mars during their 1976 missions, but inadvertently killed any potential life

 News Medicine

“Broken Heart” Affects Physical Health

The loss of loved ones can have a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Researchers at the University of Arizona have investigated whether

 News Economics

Less Job Opportunities for Poor Children in Germany

A recent study by the Institute of German Economy (IW) has found that teenagers from wealthier households in Germany are more likely to have a

 News Economics

Decline in satisfaction with electric cars in Germany

The satisfaction of electric car owners in Germany is decreasing, with the highest customer satisfaction being reported for Tesla, Genesis, and Porsche. As the number