News Biology

Unique Deep-Sea Bacteria Reproduction Discovered

A new species of bacteria has been discovered in the deep sea that possesses a unique method of reproduction and releases viruses to accelerate its

 News Archeology

Climate Change Caused Violence in Antiquity

The impact of climate change on violence in the Andean highlands during ancient times has been revealed by a new study. The research highlights the

 News Physics

Successful First Step in Light-Driven Electronics

Scientists have made a breakthrough in the field of light-driven electronics, which could significantly accelerate technological development. The interaction between matter and light plays a

 News Chemistry

Artificial Photosynthesis Outperforms Solar Cells

A groundbreaking new nanomaterial has been developed by researchers at the Technical University of Munich that can convert sunlight into usable energy with significantly higher

 News Biology

Reviving 90,000-year-old bacteria

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have reconstructed the genetic blueprint of ancient bacteria and used modern microbes to recreate them. These prehistoric biomolecules offer new

 News Medicine

Regenerating Teeth with Medication

A breakthrough discovery in dental medicine has been made by researchers at the Medical Research Institute Kitano Hospital in Osaka, Japan. The team has developed

 News Psychology

City vs. Country: Smarter Residents?

The Savanna Theory of Happiness suggests that people with lower IQs prefer the routine life of the countryside, while more intelligent individuals appreciate the variety

 News Technology

Quantum Computer Outperforms Supercomputer

Google’s quantum computer, Sycamore, has solved a random sampling problem 47 years faster than the fastest supercomputer, Frontier. Sycamore operates with 70 qubits and is

 News Astronomy

No Alien Signals Found Yet.

For 60 years, radio telescopes have been searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, a recent study explains why the search has been unsuccessful and

 News Astronomy

ESA explores nuclear-powered rockets for Moon and Mars missions.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has commissioned a feasibility study on nuclear-based electric propulsion (NEP) for space travel. This technology could significantly accelerate missions to