News Economics

Cars cause majority of external costs

Cars are responsible for a significant portion of the external costs of road transport. The only way to significantly reduce the costs borne by society

 News Economics

Electric cars cheaper than gas.

Electric cars are more cost-effective than combustion engine vehicles over their entire lifespan, despite their higher purchase costs. This is especially true when the vehicles

 News Psychology

AI aids smokers in quitting

A new smartphone app with artificial intelligence (AI) has been developed to help people quit smoking by providing individual interventions during trigger situations. Researchers at

 News Astronomy

Universe Becoming More Hostile to Life

In the early universe, planets with dense ozone layers could form, providing protection for the atmosphere and serving as a prerequisite for complex life. However,

 News Biology

Tully Monster Mystery Solved?

The Tully-Monster, an ancient creature that lived 300 million years ago, has long been a mystery to scientists. Discovered in the 1950s in the Mazon

 News Archeology

Solving the Mystery on Blackbeard’s Ship

The wreckage of Blackbeard’s flagship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, was discovered off the coast of North Carolina in 1996. Among the artifacts found were hundreds

 News Economics

High economic benefits of speed limit

A speed limit on German highways would not only reduce CO2 emissions but also significantly increase the country’s welfare, according to a recent study. While

 News Technology

Solar Mirror Creates Hydrogen Fuel

A new system based on a parabolic mirror can produce hydrogen through artificial photosynthesis using solar power. Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

 News Astronomy

Book Stratospheric Balloon Flights

French company Zephalto is now offering balloon flights to the stratosphere, with tourists able to reserve their spots starting in 2025. The start-up has developed

 News Medicine

Electric Cars and Pacemakers: A Risk?

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has investigated whether the electromagnetic fields generated by electric vehicle charging stations pose a