News Biology

Chimera Monkey from Genetically Modified Stem Cells

In a significant scientific breakthrough, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) researchers have achieved the unprecedented birth of a living hybrid monkey using genetically modified stem

 News Medicine

Pesticides Lower Human Sperm Count

The sperm count has significantly decreased in recent decades, and one of the culprits is the use of insecticides. A study conducted by the Hebrew

 News Economics

Ban on Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat

Italy Bans Production and Sale of Lab-Grown Meat Italy has become the first European country to ban the production and sale of lab-grown meat, also

 News Technology

Massive Solar Plant Unveiled in UAE

A massive solar power plant has been inaugurated near Abu Dhabi, with the aim of helping the United Arab Emirates (UAE) achieve carbon neutrality by

 News Astronomy

Gamma Ray Burst Alters Atmosphere

In October 2022, the strongest gamma-ray burst ever detected, GRB 221009A, occurred in a distant galaxy and had a measurable impact on Earth’s atmosphere. Gamma-ray

 News Technology

Revolutionizing Al Weather Forecasts

Traditional weather forecasts become less accurate as we project further into the future, prompting researchers to seek innovative solutions. In response, a team led by

 News Medicine

UK Approves First Gene Scissors Therapy

In a groundbreaking move, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK has approved the use of Casgevy, a gene-editing drug based

 News Astronomy

Surprising Discoveries in the Atmosphere of the Exoplanet

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has opened a new chapter in exoplanet exploration, focusing on the peculiar features of WASP-107b. This gas giant, positioned

 News Biology

Bonobos’ Friendly Connections Offer Clues to Human Societies

In a new study, scientists observed wild bonobos in the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, uncovering an unexpected trait—bonobos often cooperate across groups. Unlike their chimp relatives,

 Story Biology

Roots of Plant Evolution

With a remarkable evolutionary history spanning 500 million years on Earth, plants have left an indelible mark on our planet. A novel theory posits that