A recent study has shown that nuclear energy is not a viable alternative to fossil fuels for reducing CO2 emissions from an economic perspective. Germany aims to significantly reduce its carbon emissions in the coming years, and some politicians have suggested extending the lifespan of existing nuclear power plants. However, the study commissioned by the Green Party in Germany found that nuclear energy is significantly more expensive than other methods of generating electricity, such as wind, water, and solar power. The researchers from the Technical University of Berlin and the German Institute for Economic Research concluded that nuclear power is not economically viable, even when external costs are ignored.

The study also found that nuclear energy has been one of the most expensive forms of energy since the 1950s, and the costs have only increased over time due to increased safety requirements. The few current nuclear power plant construction projects in Europe and the US have been plagued by delays and cost overruns, making them far more expensive than economically viable alternatives. The authors of the study argue that the continued operation of existing nuclear reactors is not justifiable from an economic perspective, and examples from the US and France show that older nuclear power plants are not competitive with other energy sources and can only be kept in operation through subsidies.

The study concludes that renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power are far more cost-effective than nuclear energy. Model calculations show that a complete transition to renewable energy is technically feasible and economically cost-effective. However, Germany has only covered 20% of its energy consumption from renewable sources in 2022, which is only a 1.2% increase from the previous year. The study suggests that the continued investment in renewable energy sources is the most viable option for reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to a more sustainable energy system.

In summary, the study commissioned by the Green Party in Germany has found that nuclear energy is not economically viable compared to other methods of generating electricity, such as wind, water, and solar power. The study suggests that the continued investment in renewable energy sources is the most viable option for reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to a more sustainable energy system.

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