A recent study has identified the most successful flirting strategies, but there is no “universal solution” that guarantees a second date. Researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Bucknell University, and State University of New York interviewed 1,000 students from the US and Norway about their flirting techniques. The study, published in Evolutionary Psychology, found that the most effective flirting patterns are those that lead to shared laughter. However, what works best depends on the gender and intentions of the individuals involved.

According to Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, co-author of the study and professor of psychology, “what is successful depends on gender and whether the goal of the flirtation is a long-term or casual relationship.” The study also revealed that there is no “universal solution” to flirting. What is attractive to one person may not be to another, and what works in one situation may not work in another. While humor has the highest success rate, it may not be appropriate in every situation. For example, humor is less effective for women seeking a one-night stand, but more important for those seeking a casual relationship.

The study also found that nonverbal strategies, such as eye contact and a warm smile, are important components of successful flirting. While there are cultural differences between the US and Norway, the researchers found that flirting strategies did not differ significantly between the two countries. Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of individual preferences and intentions in successful flirting, and suggests that a combination of warmth, playfulness, and curiosity can be effective in initiating a connection.

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