Medical researchers have confirmed that placebos, including medications without active ingredients and empathetic doctors, can help alleviate patients’ pain. This week, numerous international medical professionals are gathering at the University Hospital in Tübingen, Germany, for a conference on the placebo effect. The conference will focus on the latest research on the placebo effect, which has been found to be just as effective as actual medication in some cases. Professor Paul Enck, the conference’s organizer, emphasizes the importance of enhancing positive psychological effects and minimizing patients’ fears in medicine. He notes that placebo effects can be just as strong as those of actual medication.

According to current research, the placebo effect is not just a figment of the imagination. It actually triggers processes in the body that lead to healing. As this effect is better understood, doctors can use it to treat patients and avoid medications with side effects. However, the placebo effect is not limited to fake medications. Empathetic doctors can also trigger the placebo effect in their patients. For example, a study found that patients with a cold felt better the next day because they had a very empathetic doctor. Similar studies have been conducted on patients undergoing heart surgery, with the accompanying doctor’s words and demeanor contributing to faster recovery. However, the placebo effect can also work in the opposite direction, known as the “necebo effect.” Stressed doctors can unintentionally trigger the necebo effect, which can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore, doctors must be more aware of how they affect their patients.

In conclusion, the placebo effect is a powerful tool in medicine that can be used to alleviate pain and promote healing. The conference in Tübingen highlights the latest research on the placebo effect and emphasizes the importance of positive psychological effects and empathetic doctors in medicine. However, doctors must also be aware of the necebo effect and take steps to avoid triggering negative outcomes in their patients.

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