A new plant-based coating has been developed that can replace plastic packaging and keep food fresh. The coating is made from biopolymers derived from food waste. Plastic waste recycling rates are low in most countries, and while innovative solutions such as plastic-eating bacteria have been proposed, they are not yet available on an industrial scale. Researchers at Rutgers University have now introduced a plant-based food packaging solution. According to their publication in the journal Nature Food, it is a biodegradable plant-based coating that can protect food from transport damage and bacteria. The plant-based coating is sprayed directly onto the food.

“We know we need to move away from petroleum-based food packaging and replace it with something more sustainable, biodegradable, and non-toxic. In the last 60 years, we have distributed six billion tons of plastic waste in our environment. Tiny fragments of it get into the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe,” explains Philip Demokritou. The new coating, which is an alternative to plastic packaging and films, is made from biopolymers derived from food waste. These polysaccharides (carbohydrates) are connected to form a dense network. The coating can then be sprayed onto all types of food using a compact device that resembles a hairdryer. According to the scientists, the coating is strong enough to protect even delicate foods such as fruits and vegetables from impact. Additionally, the biopolymers protect the food from bacteria with natural antimicrobial agents such as thyme oil, citric acid, and nisin, thereby increasing its shelf life. In experiments, the new coating extended the shelf life of avocados by 50 percent. Before eating, the biopolymer fabric can be washed off with water, leaving behind a substance that decomposes in the soil within a few days.

This new plant-based coating offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to plastic packaging. It is made from food waste and can protect food from damage and bacteria, thereby increasing its shelf life. The coating is sprayed directly onto the food and can be washed off before eating. This innovative solution could help reduce plastic waste and promote a more sustainable future.

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