A new study by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has revealed that plant-based foods consume more water than meat, making them worse for the environment in this regard. However, vegan and vegetarian organizations have criticized the study, claiming that it is flawed. While vegan and vegetarian foods are considered healthy and environmentally friendly, the WWF study shows that a significant portion of plant-based foods consume more water than animal-based foods. For example, citrus fruits and almonds require a lot of water to grow, with lemons, oranges, and mandarins requiring about 6.9 cubic meters of water per person per year, equivalent to 58 bathtubs. Almonds require about 2.5 cubic meters of water, or 20 bathtubs.

According to the study, a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle results in an annual water consumption of about 39.4 cubic meters per person per year, while meat-eaters consume only about 29.2 cubic meters of water. The higher water consumption of a vegan or vegetarian diet is due to the fact that most plant-based foods come from regions with low rainfall and require artificial irrigation. In contrast, animal feed requires less water and comes from regions with sufficient water. California, which produces about 80% of the world’s almonds, requires an average of 2,028 liters of water to produce one kilogram of almonds.

To reduce global water consumption, the WWF suggests that policymakers and businesses take action. Importing food from water-scarce regions of the world will result in high water consumption there. Instead, promoting the regional cultivation of plant-based foods in water-rich regions could be a solution. Vegan and vegetarian organizations suggest that using animal feed for human consumption could feed more people than producing meat.

In conclusion, while plant-based foods consume more water than meat, the issue is complex and requires a multifaceted solution. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals must work together to reduce global water consumption and promote sustainable food production.

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