A new nasal spray called Enovid, developed by Canadian pharmaceutical company SaNOtize, claims to prevent Covid-19 infection. According to a press release from the company, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study with 79 participants showed that the anti-Covid-19 nasal spray reduced the amount of virus in the nasal and throat areas by more than 95% within 24 hours and more than 99% within 72 hours. However, doubts about the effectiveness and safety of the product remain, as the active ingredient, nitric oxide (NO), is a potent vasodilator that should cause a drop in blood pressure. Despite this, Israel and New Zealand have granted temporary approvals for the sale of the product, and production has already begun in Israel.

While the news of the anti-Covid-19 nasal spray has generated excitement, experts in the medical field remain skeptical. There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that reducing the viral load in the nasal or throat areas can actually prevent infection. Professor Dr. Claus-Michael Lehr, a pharmaceutical technologist at Saarland University, explains that laboratory experiments have shown that even dish soap can kill viruses, but this does not necessarily translate to effectiveness in humans. Despite the lack of evidence, Israel and New Zealand have granted temporary approvals for the sale of the product, and production has already begun in Israel.

It is important to note that Enovid has not been approved as a drug, but rather as a medical device, in Israel and New Zealand. In Germany, where the use of NO as a pharmacological agent is highly unlikely to be approved, the manufacturer has not yet responded to inquiries about the alleged lack of side effects and details of the study in the UK. While the potential of NO as a treatment for Covid-19 is an interesting avenue for research, it is important to approach claims of a “miracle cure” with caution and to wait for further scientific evidence before making any definitive conclusions.

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