New calculations reveal that quantum communication via X-ray radiation enables contact with extraterrestrial life over hundreds of thousands of light-years. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh, including physicists Arjun Berera and Jaime Caldéron-Figueroa, report in the journal Physical Review D that quantum communication allows for contact with extraterrestrial life over interstellar distances, spanning thousands of light-years. The researchers also note that quantum communication enables contact with extraterrestrial life within the Milky Way, provided that other civilizations are capable of communicating via quantum means.

Quantum communication involves placing a photon in a state of superposition, where the qubit takes on multiple combinations between 1 and 0. The qubit, or quantum bit, is the smallest storage unit of a quantum computer or quantum communication device. However, qubits in their superposition state are unstable over long distances, as they interact with astronomical bodies, gas, and dust in space, causing them to lose their state. Berera and Caldéron-Figueroa investigated which energy states are suitable for interstellar communication, finding that conventional radio waves are not viable due to their low energy and the need for giant receivers to detect the signals.

According to the researchers’ mathematical calculations, interstellar communication is possible via X-ray radiation, which has the properties to enable information exchange over thousands of light-years in the interstellar medium. The physicists’ model suggests that there is little dust and gas in the interstellar space between stars, allowing qubits in the X-ray spectrum to travel hundreds of thousands of light-years without losing their superposition state. The authors note that quantum communication is particularly suitable for communicating with extraterrestrial civilizations, assuming that they possess the necessary receiving technology. However, they acknowledge that interpreting the messages may be problematic. The publication provides a mathematical basis for interstellar communication via quantum means, but it remains unclear when this technology will be available in reality.

In conclusion, quantum communication via X-ray radiation offers a potential means of communicating with extraterrestrial life over vast distances. The research highlights the limitations of conventional radio waves and the potential of quantum communication for interstellar communication. While the technology is not yet available, the study provides a foundation for future developments in this field.

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