Chinese scientists have set a new record for quantum communication, which could make the internet significantly more secure. Quantum communication is considered the future technology for encrypted data transmission in computer science. Encrypted messages sent via quantum computers are currently impossible to crack, making them the basis for a much safer “quantum internet” than the current one. However, the problem with quantum communication is its limited range. Qubits from two quantum computers must be entangled for encryption to work. The current record for data transmission with quantum encryption is 18.5 kilometers.

According to a publication in the scientific journal Light: Science & Applications, scientists from Tsinghua University have now significantly exceeded this record. They were able to transmit data between two quantum computers over a distance of 102.2 kilometers at a speed of 0.54 bits per second. The researchers achieved a speed of 22.4 Kbit/s over a distance of 30 kilometers. While this speed is sufficient for simple applications such as voice telephony, it does not yet allow for applications such as video streaming.

The data was transmitted over fiber optic cables between the quantum computers, demonstrating that the technology could be integrated into the existing internet. “If we exchange parts of today’s internet with quantum channels, where most eavesdropping attacks occur, communication would be much safer,” explains Long Guilu. With the current record technology, a password for an online banking account could be transmitted securely between two quantum computers. This would require three 30-kilometer-long quantum channels with two relay points, covering a total distance of 90 kilometers.

In conclusion, the new record for quantum communication by Chinese scientists is a significant step towards a more secure internet. While the technology is not yet suitable for all applications, it has the potential to revolutionize data transmission and encryption in the future.

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