In Vienna, alleged attacks on the U.S. embassy have been reported, possibly involving an unknown weapon emitting radiation. Diplomatic staff from the U.S. and Canada in Cuba had previously reported deafening noise from an unknown source in 2016 and 2017. The harassment was so severe that some individuals reportedly suffered from nausea, fatigue, severe headaches, sleep difficulties, and hearing loss. Similar cases were later reported by the U.S. in China and other locations. Speculation arose in the media about the use of an unknown weapon after the first incidents in Cuba. However, an investigation by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in 2020 concluded that targeted, pulsed high-frequency waves were the most likely cause of the noise and health damage.

Shortly after the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden, the U.S. embassy in Vienna reportedly experienced its first attacks. According to a report by the renowned magazine New Yorker, citing anonymous sources, more than 20 attacks have since occurred. While intelligence circles officially refer to them as “incidents,” privately, they are referred to as “attacks,” including by CIA Director William Burns. Russian intelligence services are suspected of attempting to steal embassy data using unknown devices. The noise and health damage would thus be only side effects and not the main purpose of the attacks. However, there is no evidence to support this hypothesis. In general, data theft at the Vienna location would be sensible because the capital of Austria is still one of the global centers of international diplomacy, and sensitive data is likely present in the embassy. In response to the incidents, Austria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced an investigation.

The alleged attacks on the U.S. embassy in Vienna have raised concerns about the use of unknown weapons and the safety of diplomatic staff. The incidents in Cuba, China, and other locations have yet to be fully explained, and the recent attacks in Vienna have added to the mystery. The investigation by Austria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hopefully shed light on the situation and provide answers to the questions surrounding these incidents.

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