Mobile phone radiation affects human food intake and is therefore a risk factor for obesity, according to a study by scientists at the University of Lübeck in Germany. The researchers investigated whether there was a link between mobile phone radiation and food intake, as previous studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation can increase food intake in rats. The study involved 15 young men who were exposed to two different mobile phones as a source of radiation, with a control group receiving a sham exposure. The researchers then documented the participants’ spontaneous food intake and brain energy metabolism, which they determined through various blood tests and phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They found that mobile phone radiation led to a significant increase in total calorie intake in almost all participants, with an average increase of 22% or 27% depending on the phone used. The study shows that mobile phone radiation is a potential risk factor for obesity and that it alters the brain’s energy homeostasis.

The researchers suggest that these findings could serve as a basis for further research into obesity, particularly in children and adolescents. They also note that the influence of mobile phone radiation on food intake and the brain should be more closely examined. The study’s results are published in the journal Nutrients.

This study adds to the growing body of research on the potential health effects of mobile phone radiation. While the study’s sample size was small, the findings suggest that mobile phone radiation may have a significant impact on food intake and energy metabolism in the brain. As mobile phone use continues to increase worldwide, it is important to continue studying the potential health effects of this technology.

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