The human-induced climate change has led to a new heat record in the world’s oceans, resulting in an increase in extreme weather events and rising sea levels. According to an international group of researchers, mostly from China and the United States, the warming of the oceans in 2021 has reached a new record high. While the data on the amount of heat differs significantly, they all show a clear upward trend. The warming of the oceans is problematic because it is responsible for the rise in sea levels, along with the melting of polar ice. Additionally, the warming of the oceans due to climate change promotes extreme weather events.

According to Lijing Cheng from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, “warmer oceans also fuel weather systems, leading to stronger storms and hurricanes and increasing the risk of precipitation and flooding.” The upper 2000 meters of the oceans absorbed 14 zettajoules (trillion joules; 10 to the power of 21 joules) of heat energy in 2021, according to the IAP data. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimates the figure to be 16 zettajoules. The additional heat energy led to a new heat record in the world’s oceans, with an energy content of 235 zettajoules (IAP) and 227 zettajoules (NOAA). The main cause of the new heat record is the human-induced climate change, according to computer simulations.

Michael Mann from Pennsylvania State University explains that “the oceans absorb most of the warming from human carbon emissions.” As a result, the oceans will continue to warm in the coming years until humanity achieves the desired climate neutrality. Cheng adds that “the ocean not only absorbs heat but also 20 to 30 percent of human carbon dioxide emissions, leading to ocean acidification.” However, the efficiency of carbon uptake decreases due to the warming of the oceans, resulting in more CO2 remaining in the atmosphere.

In conclusion, the new heat record in the world’s oceans is a clear indication of the impact of human-induced climate change. The warming of the oceans not only leads to extreme weather events but also contributes to rising sea levels and ocean acidification. It is crucial to take immediate action to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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