The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a significant toll on the mental health of people worldwide. In Germany, the impact of the pandemic on mental health has resulted in a record high number of absences from work due to mental illness. According to the Psychreport by DAK-Gesundheit, in 2021, there were 276 days of absence per 100 customers of the health insurance company, a 41% increase from 2011. The report highlights that the ongoing stress and pressure of the pandemic have taken a severe toll on people’s mental health, making it harder for them to return to work.

DAK-Vorstandschef Andreas Storm notes that the pandemic’s unique working conditions are the primary reason for the increase in mental health-related absences. Additionally, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues are still considered taboo in many workplaces, making it difficult for people to talk about their struggles and seek help. This lack of support and understanding only adds to the stress and physical strain, leading to more absences from work.

The report also highlights that depression is the leading cause of mental health-related absences, accounting for 39.13% of all cases. Furthermore, the number of absences due to adjustment disorders has increased by 16% since 2019, with their share almost as high as that of depression. Women over 55 years old were the most affected, with a 14% increase in absences due to mental illness compared to pre-pandemic levels. The analysis also shows that employees in the healthcare sector are the most affected, with 397 days of absence per 100 insured individuals, 44% higher than the average across all industries.

In conclusion, the pandemic has had a severe impact on people’s mental health, leading to a record high number of absences from work due to mental illness in Germany. The report highlights the need for more support and understanding in the workplace to help employees cope with the ongoing stress and pressure of the pandemic.

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