A new technology may revolutionize the way we view electronic displays in sunlight. Traditional LED displays use LEDs as backlighting to display content, while reflective screens, such as those used in e-readers, reflect light to make their own content visible, similar to real paper. However, reflective screens are usually limited to black and white due to the lack of colored lighting. Researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg have developed a new reflective display that is ten times more energy-efficient than a traditional LED display and can even display colors. The display is made up of several layers of gold, tungsten, and platinum, creating an ultra-thin and flexible display.

The researchers were not satisfied with the color quality of the first design and sought to improve it. They published a study in the journal NanoLetters, showing how they significantly improved the color quality using a simple trick. In the original design, the electrically conductive electrolytes were on the nanostructure that replicated visible colors. They were transparent but still degraded the color quality. In the new design, the user looks directly at the displayed pixels, making the colors much more visible.

The new technology has several advantages, including significantly lower energy consumption, less harmful blue light exposure to the eyes, and less eye strain. Electronic paper can also be used flexibly, allowing for new possibilities such as digital billboards on cylindrical surfaces or foldable smartphones. Although the materials for the reflective display are more expensive than copper or silicon, only small amounts are needed for production. The researchers are optimistic that they can further reduce the required quantities. The new display could be an energy-efficient and sustainable alternative with numerous innovative applications.

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