The demand for ghostwriting services is on the rise, particularly among students. Experts estimate that over 10,000 bachelor’s and master’s theses are written and published with the help of ghostwriters in Germany alone each year. Ghostwriters offer a range of services, from writing sample papers and presentations to crafting entire books and providing templates for theses and dissertations. The pandemic has only increased the demand for these services, as students face limited access to resources and professors. However, reputable ghostwriting agencies emphasize that their services are only meant to serve as a guide and not to be submitted as one’s own work.

When searching for a ghostwriter, students are confronted with a variety of options, and it is important to distinguish reputable agencies from those that are not. Warning signs include low prices and discount offers, as the work of an academic expert cannot be completed for just a few hundred euros. The poor state of the education system in Germany, including overcrowded lecture halls and inadequate instruction on academic writing, has contributed to the rise of ghostwriting. Additionally, the current pandemic has further distanced students from their institutions, leading them to seek alternative sources of support for their academic work.

Despite the University of Cologne’s assertion that ghostwriting is a form of academic fraud, the industry has evolved into a reliable and legitimate academic service. As long as students use ghostwriting services as intended, as a guide and not as their own work, there is no legal issue. However, it is important for students to exercise caution when selecting a ghostwriting agency and to understand that the cost of such services reflects the level of professionalism and expertise provided.

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