The number of hospitalizations due to cannabinoid-associated mental disorders has significantly increased in Germany, and the legalization of the drug could trigger further growth. According to treatment data from the Federal Statistical Office, the number of hospitalizations due to cannabis consumption in Germany has increased sharply from 2000 to 2018. The analysis shows that between 2000 and 2018, the number of hospitalizations due to mental disorders caused by cannabis consumption increased almost six-fold. In 2000, there were 3,400 such treatments nationwide, while in 2018, there were already 19,100.

The authors of the study from the University Hospital Ulm explain that there are no data available for subsequent years. The rapid increase in hospitalizations is mainly due to the better availability of the drug and the increasing consumption in many parts of the population. Additionally, cannabis contains a significantly higher proportion of the psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The doctors consider synthetic cannabis to be particularly problematic, as it is much stronger and more harmful than the natural plant alternative. The physician Maximilian Gahr fears that the upcoming legalization will lead to even more people consuming cannabis in Germany, which would likely increase the number of hospitalizations due to cannabinoid-associated mental disorders.

However, the higher quality of the drug could have a positive impact. “A controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes in licensed stores would prevent the distribution of contaminated substances and ensure youth protection,” the coalition agreement states. The authors emphasize the need for countermeasures to prevent mental disorders caused by the drug. In conclusion, the legalization of cannabis could lead to further growth in hospitalizations due to cannabinoid-associated mental disorders, and it is crucial to take measures to prevent this from happening.

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