A recent analysis of social media posts has revealed that right-wing populists are using the Covid-19 pandemic to further their political agendas. Some of these groups have shifted from supporting pandemic measures to criticizing them, allowing them to maintain their anti-establishment stance and present themselves as saviors of the people. Researchers from the Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy at the Technical University of Dresden conducted a Europe-wide analysis of Facebook posts for their study “Corona and Right-wing Populism” to investigate how the pandemic is being instrumentalized by right-wing groups and parties. The study found that while Covid-19 was not a universal winning issue for right-wing populists in Europe, they were able to capitalize on existing grievances and populist attitudes among certain population groups.

According to Hans Vorländer, head of the MIDEM, “crisis times are always opportunities for dissatisfaction and protest.” The researchers analyzed posts from populist parties in twelve countries and found that right-wing populists have become even more populist during the pandemic. While they did not mention Covid-19 more frequently than other political actors on their official channels, their communication style was markedly different. They frequently criticized government measures to combat the pandemic in polemical and emotional ways. However, right-wing populist parties in government were more focused on depoliticizing the issue. The researchers also noted a radical shift in many right-wing parties’ positions on pandemic measures, with some initially supporting strict measures before later criticizing them. This allowed them to maintain their anti-establishment stance and present themselves as champions of the people.

The analysis also revealed that right-wing populists often link the topics of migration and Covid-19, particularly in Northern Europe, where they claim that migrants are responsible for spreading the virus. The researchers warn that right-wing populists are using the pandemic to further their political agendas and sow division, and that it is important to remain vigilant against their tactics.

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