A new study with 80,000 participants has found that the risk of Covid-19 infection increases significantly three months after receiving the second vaccine dose. Despite Israel’s high vaccination rates, the country experienced a third wave of the pandemic in July 2021, with a high number of breakthrough infections. Researchers from Leumit Health Services analyzed health data from 80,057 adults who received the Comirnaty vaccine from BioNTech/Pfizer and found that the number of positive PCR tests, indicating a breakthrough infection, increased over time. The study found that the risk of infection increased 2.37 times after 90-119 days, 2.66 times after 120-149 days, and 2.82 times after 150-179 days.

The study did not examine the severity of the infections, only the risk of infection. The researchers suggest that the risk of infection may increase similarly for the Moderna mRNA vaccine and vector vaccines. The findings highlight the importance of continued monitoring and potential booster shots to maintain protection against Covid-19.

This study provides important insights into the duration of protection provided by the Covid-19 vaccine. Despite high vaccination rates, breakthrough infections can still occur, and the risk of infection increases over time. The study underscores the need for continued vigilance and potential booster shots to maintain protection against Covid-19.

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