A mysterious polio-like illness is spreading across the United States, leaving hundreds of children paralyzed. The cause of the disease, known as acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), is still unknown, and health officials are concerned that it may be caused by a previously unknown virus. While AFM is typically a rare disease, it has been increasingly reported in the US since the summer of 2014, with over 400 cases reported so far, including 62 in 2018 alone. The disease causes paralysis in the arms and legs, similar to the symptoms of polio, and its regular occurrence between June and November each year suggests the presence of a new virus.

The rise in cases of AFM has caused alarm among health officials and medical professionals, who are struggling to understand the cause of the disease. While it is suspected that the unknown virus may be related to the poliovirus, it is not yet clear how the disease is transmitted or how it can be prevented. Some experts have suggested that regular hand washing may help to reduce the risk of infection, but there is currently no vaccine or other preventative measure available.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the disease, researchers from around the world are working to find a solution and to better understand the nature of the virus. While the World Health Organization has expressed doubts that the disease will become an epidemic or pandemic, it has warned of the possibility of infection and urged caution. As the search for answers continues, health officials are urging the public to remain vigilant and to take steps to protect themselves against infection.

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