A new meta-analysis presented at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery’s annual meeting has found that 95% of patients who have undergone LASIK eye surgery are still satisfied with the results years later. LASIK, or laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, is a surgical procedure that corrects vision by reshaping the cornea. The study analyzed 19 studies from the past decade, totaling 2,199 patients from the US, Europe, India, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran. The satisfaction rate varied between 87.2% and 100% in different countries, with Germany also included in the study. In Germany, around 100,000 patients undergo LASIK surgery each year, and the results show that patients are still satisfied with the outcome years later.

The latest LASIK method, called Femto LASIK or iLASIK, can treat 90% of a patient’s vision problems. The procedure involves using a laser to prepare the cornea, opening it like a book, and then reshaping the inner layer before closing it again. However, complications can occur in around 2% of cases, ranging from over- or under-correction to infection or halos around lights. Patients may also experience temporary dry eyes, which affect around 15-20% of patients. The procedure is recommended for patients whose vision has been stable for at least a year and who are over 18 years old. Patients with certain eye conditions or taking certain medications may not be eligible for LASIK surgery.

The study’s authors suggest that understanding why the remaining 5% of patients are dissatisfied with the procedure could help improve the treatment. The US Food and Drug Administration has commissioned a study to investigate the impact of LASIK on patients’ quality of life. Despite the potential risks, LASIK remains a popular and effective treatment for vision problems, with a high satisfaction rate among patients.

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