In a bid to reduce the environmental impact of shipping, Norwegian engineer Terje Lade has developed a new type of cargo ship that uses wind power and natural gas instead of heavy fuel oil. Currently, over 90% of goods are transported across the world’s oceans on large cargo ships, which emit large amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere. The International Maritime Organisation has proposed reducing sulphur levels to 0.1% by 2020, but this will increase costs for shipping companies. Lade’s Vindskip concept aims to reduce fuel consumption by using wind power to supplement natural gas, and features a futuristic hull design that acts as a sail. The Vindskip is expected to use 60% less fuel than conventional cargo ships and produce 80% fewer emissions.

The Vindskip is a new type of cargo ship that aims to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. Currently, cargo ships emit large amounts of sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere, which is harmful to both the oceans and the animals that live there. The Vindskip uses wind power and natural gas instead of heavy fuel oil, which will reduce fuel consumption by 60% and emissions by 80%. The ship’s hull design acts as a sail, which will help to supplement the natural gas when there is enough wind. The first prototype of the Vindskip is expected to be tested in 2019, after numerous wind and current tests have been conducted. The Vindskip is a promising solution to the environmental problems caused by shipping, and could help to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint.

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