Plastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide, with microplastics being found in various food and drink products. Now, researchers have discovered that even salt contains microplastics. A team from East China Normal University in Shanghai analyzed 15 common types of salt sold in Chinese supermarkets and found that each contained traces of plastic, with sea salt having the highest concentration. On average, there were 700 plastic particles per kilogram of Chinese sea salt. The researchers believe that the plastic may have entered the salt through processing and packaging.

The discovery of microplastics in salt is alarming, as it highlights the extent of plastic pollution in our environment. Plastic waste that is not properly disposed of can break down into tiny particles over time, which can then enter the food chain. Microplastics have already been found in honey, beer, and mineral water, and now salt has been added to the list. The researchers say that people could be consuming thousands of these tiny plastic particles each year just by seasoning their food with contaminated salt.

The high concentration of microplastics in sea salt is not surprising, given that the ocean is already heavily polluted with plastic. However, the presence of plastic in other types of salt, such as rock salt and salt from brine, is more puzzling. The researchers suspect that the plastic may have entered the salt during processing or packaging. This discovery underscores the urgent need to address plastic pollution and find ways to reduce our reliance on plastic products.

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