A recent study has analyzed which types of content on the internet perform the best and generate the most backlinks statistically. SEO experts have divided the content into emotion, format, and content and analyzed it in detail. The creation of successful content is associated with many challenges for companies, including incorporating SEO-relevant keywords, an appealing and clear content layout, and the right approach to the target audience. A recent study by a US content agency based in Florida and West Yorkshire in the UK has analyzed various factors of website content to determine what properties content must possess to generate the most backlinks.

The study analyzed over 5,000 articles from various internet sites, with each article having at least 25 backlinks and not from a major news site to avoid distorting the results. The analysis showed that sports, relationships and sex, and fitness are the most popular topics on the web, with how-to articles, lists/videos, and how-to articles with videos being the most shared and linked content. The study also found that shorter texts under 700 words were significantly more linked and shared than longer, more detailed content.

The researchers also looked at the type of reaction in social media to articles in these topics, which could help content agencies and editors use certain emotions when writing the article to increase viral reach. It was found that users react more angrily to sports articles, while they leave a positive like for articles on food and drink. The study emphasizes that the best content is created when keeping in mind what the target audience wants.

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