Good news for all pasta fans: the much-maligned carb-heavy food is not as bad for you as previously thought. Italian researchers have found that people who eat pasta regularly are not necessarily at a higher risk of obesity, and in fact, may even have better body measurements than those who don’t eat pasta. The study was conducted on over 23,000 participants, and the researchers found that a Mediterranean diet, which includes pasta, can have a positive impact on body weight. The study’s findings suggest that cutting pasta out of your diet may not be the best way to lose weight.

The researchers, led by George Pounis from the Istituto Neurologico Mediterraneo Neuromed in Pozilli, Italy, analyzed data from two large epidemiological studies to determine the relationship between pasta consumption and body weight. They found that there was no evidence to suggest that eating pasta regularly leads to obesity, and in fact, the opposite may be true. The more pasta a person consumed, the better their body measurements were in terms of BMI, waist-hip ratio, and hip circumference. The researchers also found that people who ate pasta regularly tended to follow a Mediterranean diet, which includes other healthy foods like vegetables, olive oil, and rice.

While the study’s findings are good news for pasta lovers, the researchers caution that moderation is key. Eating too much pasta can still lead to weight gain, and it’s important to have a varied diet that includes other healthy foods. The study’s results suggest that cutting pasta out of your diet entirely may not be necessary, and that a Mediterranean diet that includes pasta can be good for your health. So, go ahead and enjoy that plate of spaghetti, but remember to eat it in moderation and as part of a balanced diet.

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