Intelligent People Share Certain Characteristics, Study Finds

Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests have long been used to measure a person’s intelligence, but recent studies suggest that there are certain traits that are common among highly intelligent individuals. Developed in 1916 by American psychologist Lewis Terman, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test is still used today as a fundamental tool for measuring IQ. However, psychologists have warned against using IQ scores as the sole measure of a person’s intelligence, as success or failure in the test can depend on various factors, such as the tester and the test-taker’s state of mind. Moreover, IQ tests typically measure only a person’s ability to learn, and do not take into account other important traits such as creativity, wisdom, and social responsibility.

According to a study by Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Political Science, highly intelligent people tend to have a growing tolerance for modern or new values, and often consider themselves to be liberal. The same study also found that many highly intelligent people do not consider themselves to be religious. Additionally, intelligent people tend to drink alcohol regularly, but only in moderation, and have a tendency to stay up late at night. However, they also tend to be less physically active than people with lower IQs. Another study by the University of Vienna found that people with high verbal and nonverbal intelligence are more likely to appreciate black humor than those with lower IQs.

While these studies suggest that there are certain traits that are common among highly intelligent individuals, it is still unclear whether these traits can be developed or enhanced through certain behaviors or lifestyle choices. Further research is needed to determine whether voting left, laughing at black humor, and drinking alcohol in moderation can actually increase a person’s IQ.

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