A groundbreaking new protein powder called Solein has been developed by Finnish startup Solar Foods Ltd. Unlike traditional agriculture, Solein is created through a fermentation process using hydrogen, CO2, and water, rather than relying on farming. The company’s founders, Dr. Pasi Vainikka and Dr. Juha-Pekka Pitkänen, were previously employed as lecturers and scientists at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Solein is made primarily from CO2 filtered from the Earth’s atmosphere, which would otherwise contribute to climate change, as well as hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria, water, nitrogen, and various minerals. The entire energy requirement for the process is met through solar power.

During the process, bacteria are fed hydrogen, which they then use to create the protein powder through fermentation. The end product is said to be visually and taste-wise similar to wheat flour. In the future, the fine powder could be used as a supplement to improve the nutritional value of other foods, such as yogurt. The main components of the finished powder are protein (over 50%), carbohydrates (20-25%), and fat (5-10%). The idea for Solein originated at NASA, but was further developed by Finnish scientists. The company is currently financially supported by the European Space Agency (ESA), but has not yet released any finished products.

The biggest advantage of Solein, according to Solar Foods, is that it is “free from agriculture” and therefore “requires neither farmland nor water” and is not dependent on the climate, which is increasingly limiting agriculture in some regions due to rising temperatures. Solein is expected to be available as a food product by 2021, pending approval from the European Union, which the company plans to apply for later this year. This innovative protein powder has the potential to revolutionize the food industry and provide a sustainable alternative to traditional agriculture.

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