A new bandage made of nanopolymer fibers that can be applied using a spray gun has been developed to simplify the treatment of burn wounds. Nanomedic Technologies, an Israeli start-up, has created the new wound dressing called “Spincare” to treat chronic wounds and moderate burns that damage the skin up to the middle layer of the dermis. The bandage is made of fine nanopolymer fibers that form a protective layer over the wound. The bandage is applied using a spray gun that shoots a white mist onto the affected skin areas. The new method not only simplifies the application of the bandage but also allows doctors to perform gentle checks because the nanopolymer fibers become transparent when they come into contact with wound fluid.

Spincare behaves similarly to real skin, allowing wound fluid to escape but preventing water from entering from the outside. Patients can therefore shower early on. The dense fiber structure of the matrix also keeps pathogens away from the wound. When the wound is fully healed, the Spincare bandage detaches from the body. In a practical test at the Berlin Accident Hospital, doctors led by Frank Sander had already had good experiences with Spincare, according to a publication from the 37th Annual Meeting of the German-speaking Working Group for Burn Treatment (DAV 2019). Fourteen patients were treated with Spincare between December 2017 and November 2018, seven of whom were admitted to the hospital due to burns, six due to scalds, and one due to an arc flash injury.

Compared to biological and synthetic epidermal transplants and wound dressings made of polylactide, which must be adapted and held with thicker coverings, Sander praises the easy handling of the Spincare bandage. However, for very large wounds, Sander believes that conventional wound care is still the better alternative, at least in the early healing phase, because the application of Spincare takes significantly longer.

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