A new study from the University of Montreal has found that a consistently strict upbringing can have similar effects on a child’s brain development as physical abuse. While the effects of severe physical abuse on children have been extensively researched, this study is the first to examine the impact of harsh parenting practices, including physical punishment, on the development of a child’s brain. The study, published in the journal Development and Psychopathology, followed nearly 100 children from birth to adolescence, analyzing their brain development through MRI scans and their upbringing through standardized questionnaires.

The study found that children who were raised with strict parenting practices had smaller prefrontal cortexes and amygdalas than their peers. These regions of the brain play a crucial role in regulating emotions and can contribute to the development of anxiety and depression. The study’s lead author, Sabrina Suffren, emphasized the importance of understanding that frequent harsh parenting practices can damage a child’s social and emotional development.

These findings are significant and new, highlighting the need for parents and society to recognize the potential harm of strict parenting practices. While physical punishment may not be considered severe abuse, it can still have long-lasting effects on a child’s brain development. The study’s results underscore the importance of promoting positive parenting practices that prioritize emotional support and understanding.

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