Europe is facing a potential power shortage this winter, and Switzerland is taking proactive measures to ensure energy security. As the country produces a significant portion of its electricity through hydropower and imports from neighboring countries, a power shortage in France or Germany could affect Switzerland. In response to the Russian attack on Ukraine, which threatens energy security in Europe, the Swiss government has drafted a regulation that includes a ban on electric cars in case of an emergency. The regulation also includes a stricter speed limit on highways to reduce energy consumption.

The proposed regulation by the Swiss Federal Council states that in case of an energy emergency, a ban on private use of electric cars could be implemented, with exceptions for essential trips such as work, shopping, and medical appointments. The regulation also includes a reduction in speed limits on highways to indirectly reduce the energy consumption of electric vehicles. However, these measures are only planned for escalation level 3, with household energy-saving measures taking priority.

To ensure energy supply, the Swiss government plans to implement measures such as limiting washing machines to 40 degrees Celsius and banning leaf blowers, outdoor heaters, and seat heaters in ski lifts. Additionally, streaming services like Netflix would be restricted to SD resolution. While these measures may seem extreme, they are necessary to prevent a potential power shortage and ensure energy security in Switzerland.

In conclusion, Switzerland is taking proactive measures to ensure energy security in the face of a potential power shortage this winter. The proposed regulation includes a ban on electric cars in case of an emergency, a reduction in speed limits on highways, and household energy-saving measures. While these measures may seem drastic, they are necessary to prevent a potential power shortage and ensure energy security in Switzerland.

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