News Medicine

Rise in Cannabis-Related Suicide Attempts

The legalization of cannabis in the United States has led to a significant increase in suicidal attempts involving the drug, according to a study by

 News Medicine

100% Protection for Teens with mRNA Vaccine

Biontech’s mRNA vaccine, BNT162b2, has been found to prevent symptomatic Covid-19 cases in adolescents for up to four months. The vaccine was also found to

 News Medicine

COVID-19: Three Times Deadlier Than Flu

A new study published in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine has found that Covid-19 is almost three times as deadly as the flu. Despite claims from

 News Medicine

Genetic Test Detects Depression Risk

Scientists have discovered a genetic profile that can predict the risk of depression in children and adolescents. This breakthrough could lead to early detection and

 News Medicine

Gender Differences Unveiled

New research has found that the brains of men and women develop differently during puberty, leading to differences in blood flow. The study, conducted by